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Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has acquired Rogers & Young Insurance Services, LLC of Windsor, California. Founded in 1958, the insurance brokerage and consulting company has an extensive portfolio. In addition to focusing on construction and contracting clients, Rogers focuses on health and life insurance and personal accident insurance. The company's associates will continue to operate at their current location. In addition to the acquisition, Steve Rogers and Jeff Young will continue to serve their clients under their own names and continue to manage the business as well as oversee Gallagher's employee benefits consulting and brokerage operations in the Western region.In addition to providing insurance and risk management services, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. is a global risk management and consulting firm. With operations in 34 countries, the firm provides client service in over 150 countries around the world. The company is headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. The firm has consultants and representatives in 150 countries worldwide. Its headquarters is in Chicago. sr22 insurance austin tx (domain) offers insurance and consulting services to clients in more than 150 different countries.Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. is an international insurance brokerage and risk management company. Headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, the firm has offices in 34 countries. Its consultants work in more than 150 countries. The firm serves businesses, governments, and nonprofits around the globe. It is also a leading provider of risk management and insurance consulting services. Its mission is to provide clients with the highest quality of service and advice in an efficient manner.AJG&Co. is a global insurance brokerage, consulting services, and risk management company. The company is headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, and has operations in 34 countries. ACG's global footprint includes consultants and offices in more than 150 countries. It also has international network of more than 5,000 independent consultants and agents. The agency offers personalized service to businesses and individuals in more than 160 countries. If you are looking for a global insurer, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. might be a good choice.ACG is an international insurance brokerage and consulting services firm headquartered in Chicago. Its clients are located all over the world. The firm's consultants and staff are located in more than 150 countries. Its diversified global presence provides a wide range of services. ACG offers a comprehensive range of products and services. And its diverse client base allows the organization to provide customized solutions for businesses of all sizes. Regardless of the size of your company, it's always smart to seek out the right partner.ARGARJ Gallagher is a global insurance brokerage and consulting services firm with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. ARGARJ&Co. has operations in more than 34 countries and a global network of consultants. ARGAR is a leader in the industry of risk management, but you'll find a local consultant in your area. The agency's mission is to help clients protect their businesses and ensure a smooth and seamless experience.In addition to insurance brokerage and consulting services, ARGAR is a global insurance consulting services firm with offices in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. ARGARJ & Co.'s consultants serve clients in 150 countries. Insurers have an office in Chicago. Its main offices are located in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Across the globe, it has over 200 locations. AIG has a large presence in various sectors and industries.AGI is a global insurance brokerage and risk management consulting services firm with headquarters in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. With operations in 34 countries and consultants in 150 countries, AIG provides client service and consults clients worldwide. The company's website features a list of its subsidiaries and affiliates. AGI has offices in more than 30 countries. AIG has a global presence, with more than 4,000 employees. AIG is a leading international insurance consulting firm with more than 500 employees.AGI is a global risk management consulting services and insurance brokerage firm with headquarters in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. The firm has operations in 34 countries around the world, and its consultants and advisers operate in 150 countries. In addition, AIG's offices are located in the United States, Canada, Australia, and France. They offer client service throughout the world. If you're interested in learning more about AIG, it's worth looking at the company's history and the company's future.